Wah Taj is a Bollywood drama film directed by Ajit Sinha, presented by Jayantilal Gada (Pen India Pvt Ltd) and co produced by Pawan Sharma and Abhinav Verma under the banners of Pun Films Pvt. Ltd. and SpyderWave Films. It features actors Shreyas Talpade and Manjari Fadnis in the lead roles.
Stars: Shreyas Talpade, Manjari Fadnnis, Hemant Pandey, Rajesh Sharma, Vishwajeet Pradhan
Crew: Pawan Sharma & Abhinav Verma (Producer), Uttam Dhakal (Cinematography), Mohammad Salim (Writer), Vipin Patwa (Music), Jayantilal Gada (Producer), Ajit Sinha (Director)
Country: India
Language: हिन्दी
Studio: Pun Films Pvt. Ltd SpyderWave Films
Runtime: 125 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Sep 23, 2016
IMDb: 2.5