Bräute des Nichts. Der weibliche Terror: Magda Goebbels und Ulrike Meinhof
"Brides of Nothingness: Female Terror." What connects Magda Goebbels with Ulrike Meinhof? - Both women represent a different side of modernity: continuity and fractures of a female mentality story in which the unconscious of history is sedimented. The fanaticism of both women was a publicly lived love story with politics.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Anne Tismer
Crew: Lena Rem (Editor), Jutta Brückner (Director), Jutta Brückner (Writer), Dagmar Jäger (Cinematography)
Country: Germany
Studio: Jutta Brückner Filmproduktion
Runtime: 90 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 03, 2008
IMDb: 10